08:30-09:30 | 1 JULY, 2022

Alex Babich, the SAIFAA chairperson, has found some lesser-known knowledge that has been overlooked and has challenged the thinking and compliance setup for his practice (which he shares in this session).

Compliance is one of the most challenging parts of our jobs (because it's possibly the least enjoyable). PI Cover is one of those necessary evils, but there are some clever ways to set up your practice for an optimised and compliant environment.

PANELISTS: Bennie Lombaard | Pierre Marais | Alexander Babich | Johann Kruger | Harry Kalligiannis
TOPIC: PI Cover - All the burning questions

As you know, Professional Indemnity (PI) cover is a mandatory requirement in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services act of 2002 (FAIS Act) for all Financial Services Providers (FSPs).

In this session, we hope to answer all the questions you may have and, as a group, offer solutions that make dealing with PI Cover more accessible and affordable.



These one-hour networking events will allow us to keep in touch with each other and hear from a new keynote speaker each month. We have always believed that we are stronger when we stand together, just like the water buffalo. As our world has changed in the last 18 months, we believe that these events will form a strong foundation for our community going forward.

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