08:30-09:30 | 3 JUNE, 2022
With COVID inspired changes as a departure point, Mike Clare compares how the game of cricket - which dominated his life in the 80s – has changed with how advisory practices have evolved, and in some instances need to evolve.
GUEST SPEAKER: Mike Clare | Mike Clare Consulting
TOPIC: How to value and increase the value of your practice
If you are wanting to refresh your business strategy, initiate your succession plan or just increase the value of your practice, this is a presentation worth listening to. Mike's presentation will leave you feeling inspired, informed and challenged to make immediate changes to your strategy.
Shaped by 28 years’ experience in the industry, he shares his beliefs, describes the dominant themes shaping your strategy, suggests ways to amplify the value of your business, highlights value-diminishers and wraps up with an overview of some valuation models that advisers can adapt to their practice valuation.
Mike Clare has a colourful mix of consulting and advisory work and is currently contracted to the Asisa Academy, OUTvest, FNB and Jaltech.
These one-hour networking events will allow us to keep in touch with each other and hear from a new keynote speaker each month. We have always believed that we are stronger when we stand together, just like the water buffalo. As our world has changed in the last 18 months, we believe that these events will form a strong foundation for our community going forward.