08:30-09:30 | 2, DECEMBER2022

We're really going to need YOUR input in our next breakfast session!

Deloitte recently shared a report on 10 disruptive trends about to hit the wealth management sector (and only one area in which we all help our clients).

Some of these include understanding:

  1. The Re-wired Investor
  2. Science vs Human-based Advice
  3. Holistic, goals-based advice
  4. Catching the retirement wave
  5. Rising costs and heavier regulation burdens

These are topics that we at SAIFAA have been discussing since 2017; at our road shows, seminars, webinars, monthly breakfast sessions and our flagship CPRP® programme and designation.

Our profession is evolving fast! If you've been reading up on something new, or perhaps heard it along the grapevine, let's put it on the agenda.

We want to tackle BIG ISSUES in 2023. What frustrates you as IFA?

What do you just have to live with, because you are bullied by the BIG GUYS?

Let’s stand together as a collective of all IFAs in South Africa and level the playing field for all of us!

PANELISTS: Alex Babich - Johann Kruger - Shirley Smith
TOPIC: How can we add more value in 2023?

In this powerful hour we chatted with several vocal IFAs about areas that we as a community need support and focus on in 2023.

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